Greater Harrisburg's Community Magazine

Toward Your Goals: Keeping those New Year’s resolutions often starts with a commitment to basic well-being.

Screenshot 2014-12-29 09.04.28For the New Year, many people set new goals for themselves. Typically, these goals are about losing weight, making more money or other ways to improve themselves.

So, how are you planning to achieve your 2015 personal and professional goals? What strategies will you use to be productive at work and home?

I find that it’s best to start with the basics, especially for people who find their lives off-balance and who want to enhance their productivity at work and home effectively and efficiently.

Get Adequate Sleep

Many people lack the amount of sleep they really need.A lack of sleep increases stress and decreases decision-making abilities. You will function best when you have an adequate amount of sleep. To achieve this, you should have a clear bedtime routine and eliminate distracting light and sound sources.

As a licensed professional counselor, I see many people who struggle with sleep. Lacking sleep affects other areas of your life, such as lack of focus, concentration, productivity and mood stability. It’s amazing how, once sleep has been tackled, other areas improve.

Shape Up

Exercise improves sleep and, therefore, relieves stress, clears your mind and increases productivity. It also reduces cortisol, which is an insomnia trigger, and increases serotonin, which is a sleep regulator.Shape upby engaging with a personal trainer to reach your exercise goals with an accountability partner. You might plan to go the gym, but end up not going when “things get in the way.” By making appointments with people, it is easier to follow through with your intentions and commitments.

Set realistic goals for yourself. Many times, people want the perfect body. But how realistic is it to achieve that goal and what does it take? It may lead to feeling overwhelmed and burned out. Set realistic goals for yourself regarding your diet and exercise and modify them as you go along.

When feeling hungry, people will eat what’s available to them. Why do you think fast food is such a big industry? It’s important to make healthy eating choices and have them available. Keep granola bars, almonds, fruit, raisins or other healthy snacks nearby to prevent binging when you’re feeling hungry.

Find Support

Seek support, whether it’s to engage with a mentor, a therapist or an accountability partner. It’s important to talk to someone you can be open and honest with to help guide you and support you and help with your productivity. You can also seek help or support from family, friends or colleagues.

Plan for “me” time to create balance every day. Know that you are worth it and deserve this time. Consider what you are truly passionate about and give yourself permission to enjoy it. Whether it’s an art class or reading a book, find time for what makes you happy and centered. Typically, we become consumed with work and family life, and that leaves us with little to no time to center ourselves and reflect on our needs and wants. Put some time aside daily for yourself.

When stressed, people tend to make poor decisions, whether it’s poor eating decisions, lack of exercise or not taking care of themselves overall. Not only are they making poor decisions, but they don’t always think rationally, and their immune system tends to suffer. Therefore, their mental health affects their physical health. That is why it is so important to take care of your overall well-being and be in tune with yourself.

Manage Your Time

Maximize your time through planning and prioritization. Plan your day based upon your personal and professional goals. When with family or friends, focus on fun. Mealtime is for socializing and have conversation. Put your electronics away! How often do you go out and see people on their electronics and disengaged? Engage in quality time through conversations to share highlights of your day and to show you are interested in your loved ones. Choose to engage in quality time with your family and friends. Celebrate moments and making memories.

Minimize activities that drain your time or energy without realizing results. Consider the time you spend playing mindless games or staring at a computer screen being unproductive. One way to do this is to train your brain to focus on priorities and achieve desired outcomes with neurofeedback.

Rejuvenate yourself through relaxation. Take a walk, read a book, play with your pet, go shopping within healthy limits. It is key to build downtime into your schedule.

For 2015, make a commitment to balance your work and personal life. Get the most out of your day by becoming more productive, well-rested, healthy and happy. Happy New Year!

Amanda Levison is a Licensed Professional Counselor at the Neurofeedback & Counseling Center of Pennsylvania. For more information or to reach her, please visit or call 717-202-2510.

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