Greater Harrisburg's Community Magazine

Harrisburg Mayor Delivers “State of the City”

Harrisburg Mayor Eric Papenfuse today delivered a wide-ranging State of the City address, discussing what his administration has accomplished since taking office in January and what it expects to do going forward.

The address before several hundred people at the Harrisburg Hilton touched upon many topics: from his personal health to the city’s debt; from employee morale to tax abatement; from infrastructure to City Council relations. He also implored all who care about Harrisburg to get more involved in improving the quality of life in the city.

“Join us, as we all work together to ensure Harrisburg’s future prosperity,” Papenfuse said, concluding his speech. “We are a strong and resilient city. Together, we can make a difference!”

For the full text of the seven-page address, click Papenfuse 2014 State of the City.

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