Greater Harrisburg's Community Magazine

Harrisburg Changes Leaf Collection Procedure


Leaves have already begun to fall in Harrisburg.

Harrisburg is changing its leaf-collecting procedure this year, asking residents to use compostable paper bags for leaf collecting and disposal.

Moreover, the city is urging residents not to rake leaves into the street, which has been a common practice for many years.

“We are asking Harrisburg residents to cooperate with our Public Works employees this fall to help the city efficiently manage leaf collections,” said Mayor Eric Papenfuse. “We strongly encourage residents not to blow leaves into the street, but to put them in brown paper bags that workers can take to the Swatara Township composting site.”

The administration said that the city has a “limited number” of large brown bags available to residents for free. They can be picked up at the Public Works Center at 1820 Paxton St. during regular work hours from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Otherwise, residents will need to buy the bags, which can be purchased at many stores, including hardware and home improvement stores.

After collecting the leaves, residents should leave the bags on curbs for collection during street cleaning days. Plastic bags will be not accepted.

The city is also asking residents not to mix leaves in with their regular trash.

“We are calling on our residents to make a special effort this fall to help our workers do their jobs,” Papenfuse said.


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