Greater Harrisburg's Community Magazine

Scarves: The Winter Necktie

Screenshot 2017-01-31 08.20.43Wrap up that Adam’s apple.

Outdoor reporting can be a survival sport.  

I’m the paid yahoo standing in 36 inches of fresh powder with icicles dangling off my shivering lips telling people to “stay off the roads” during winter weather coverage. However, dressing for warmth doesn’t mean you have to look like Randy from “A Christmas Story” (I can’t put my arms down!).

In order to switch up your cold-weather style and protect your gullet from a chilly blast of Jack Frost, enlist the ubiquitous scarf—the winter necktie.

We have Queen Nefertiti to thank for making the woven piece of cloth a fashion icon way back in 1350 B.C. Since then, the neck-wrapper has had military, cultural and tactical significance. Scarf colors were used to differentiate Croatian military ranks in the 1600s, worn as political identity in 1700s France, and given as consoling funeral gifts in Colonial New England. The generosity, however, was banned by Massachusetts legislators in 1721 because scarves were viewed as an “extravagance.” That’s why Tom Brady wears Uggs, I guess.

In 2017, scarves can be almost whatever you want. No matter the length, color, fabric or pattern, they’re intended to keep your neck and chest protected. What good does a scarf do slung under the collar and lapels of your overcoat? That was used in a GAP ad in 2002 once and somehow the style stuck. Stop it, bruh.

I probably own half-a-dozen scarves to switch up those winter looks for TV. But owning two or three would give you enough variety. Arm your winter scarf arsenal with a thin, dressier, solid cashmere ($59; patterned cotton ($25 Macy’s); and a long, chunkier woven scarf ($36

Now comes the seemingly trickiest part of living the scarf life—tying. According to Bloomberg, “how to tie a scarf” is one of the most Googled men’s style queries. Much like a bowtie, it’s more intimidating than it really is. Here are three easy classics to keep you looking smooth while keeping that Adam’s apple toasty.

  • The Loop: Use your cotton scarf and fold it in half, creating a giant “U.” Sling around your neck and stick the two ends through the “loop” and pull snug. Tuck the excess into your coat. Go on with your bad self Nanook!
  • The Bib: Use your cashmere scarf and lay it around your neck with both sides dangling even down your torso. Loop one side over and under like the first step in tying a tie. Pull the knot snug to the neck and then spread the top part to create a clean front.
  • The Wrap: Use the chunky scarf and wrap around your neck with one side way shorter. Tuck that short side across your chest and inside your coat. Take the longer side and ring it around your neck in the opposite direction and tuck the excess in your coat. This will add warmth and wind protection on those days when you say—#$@& it’s cold!

When gallivanting around the city, you now have the know-how on being a scarf aficionado. Sounds classy, right? Hey, come this Valentine’s Day, it doesn’t hurt to have another accessory around.

Dave’s Cocktail of the Month

The Burberry

Craft this cocktail on harsh winter nights in front of the fireplace—for two. Incorporate smoky and spicy Scotch with dark hot chocolate and an added creamy finish to warm your throat from the inside.  

  • 1.5 ounces smoky Scotch (Caol ila)
  • Dark hot chocolate (K-cups Bed Bath and Beyond)
  • Frothed milk or Half-and-Half

Stir. Serve.

Our Sharp Press Man, Dave Marcheskie, is a former reporter and anchor for abc27 News. If you’d like to ask Dave a fashion question, please email it to He may use it in a future column.

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