Greater Harrisburg's Community Magazine

TheBurg Cover: An Explanation of Our Parody

FreedomFromWant1 BurgNovCover

As many people may know, Norman Rockwell’s classic painting, “Freedom from Want,” depicts an American Thanksgiving dinner (above left) during the 1930s. In it, the family matriarch serves a feast to her hungry brood. 

In our November issue, we used the painting, which has been parodied often, to humorously depict the current political situation in Harrisburg (above right). Our intention was to show Mayor Linda Thompson, with receiver William Lynch standing behind her, offering the main course (the transfer of political power in the city) to Democratic candidate Eric Papenfuse (and two of his principal allies, Joyce Davis and Karl Singleton) on the left side of the table and Republican candidate Dan Miller (and two of his principal allies, John Campbell and Nevin Mindlin) on the right side.

We thought this was a timely concept and cover, given that November is both the month of Thanksgiving and an important election in Harrisburg. In this space, we wished to make clear our intention so that it would not be misinterpreted.

Lawrance Binda, Editor-in-Chief


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